Best Seller Pre-Con, Goal Achieved
This is my first post in this new blog, I will be writing here anything but technical. I still write my technical posts in RADACAD. It is a great thing that I start this blog with the good news about my latest pre-con for SQLNEXUS. I’ve presented some pre-cons before, and many courses so far. This is not the first time I get most audience in a conference. However, this is the first time, I get the most audience for a pre-con workshop when there are 7 other workshops in parallel with all of them presented by well-known international speakers, and I’m proud of it.
My Pre-Conference session at SQLNexus
SQLNEXUS is the premier Microsoft Data Platform and Analytics conference of year in Nordic Europe area. With more than 600 attendees, it runs every year in Copenhagen. I’ve been honored once to speak at SQLRally 2015 (previous version of SQLNexus). And this year, I’ve been honored to speak for a pre-conference subject, and also a regular session.
SQLNexus 2017 offered 8 pre-conference workshops, presented by well-known international names in the Microsoft Data Platform industry. I’m more than happy to announce that my pre-conference workshop for SQLNexus 2017 was the best seller workshop among all 8 workshops. I didn’t counted number of attendees in my pre-conference, but it was a full house session, and I’ve heard from organizers that it was the best seller session.
The subject of my workshop; as you hear every where was Power BI from Rookie to Rock Star.
My Teaching Experience
I’ve been teaching about Microsoft BI and Data Warehouse technologies for many years now, and recently focused mainly on Power BI. Only in last few months I’ve had more than 1000 students in my courses in New Zealand, Australia, Asia, North America, and Europe. So, teaching is not something new for me. And those of you who know me closer, know that I love teaching.
I’ve also presented in a number of pre-conferences before. I’ve been best pre-conference seller in SQL Saturday South Island (with Leila as co-presenter) as well with about 30 attendees (which considering the population of Christchurch is a great achievement). Thanks to Hamish Watson for all organizing efforts for this event.
Pre-conference Goal
I’m always setting goals ahead of myself. At some stage I’ve had a goal to run a best seller pre-conference in a premier conference. With the experience in SQLNexus 2017 I can proudly say that this goal is achieved now. Obviously it is not a competition between workshops, and it is not always speakers who drive more registrations for a workshop, the topic, audience interest, and many other factors matters. So I’m not saying that my workshop was the best in these workshops. I admire all speakers and topics for this conference, and they are all best world class speakers in their fields. My point is that my pre-conference was the best seller (for any reasons), and it helped conference organizers to achieve what they’ve been after.
I’m glad that I have achieved this goal, and many thanks for SQLNexus organizers (Regis Baccaro, Kenneth Nielsen , Mark Broadbent, Lars Bo Granath, and others) for their believe in my work.
Also thanks to everyone who attended my workshop and made my day by their very nice feedback. I’m glad that you all enjoyed it.
Next Goal
My next pre-conference goal is a sold out pre-conference in another premier conference.